Source code for boolrule.boolrule

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyparsing import CaselessLiteral, Word, delimitedList, Optional, \
    Combine, Group, alphas, nums, alphanums, ParseException, Forward, oneOf, \
    quotedString, ZeroOrMore, Keyword, ParseResults, removeQuotes, Suppress

class SubstituteVal(object):
    Represents a token that will later be replaced by a context value.
    def __init__(self, t):
        self._path = t[0]

    def get_val(self, context):
        if not context:
            raise MissingVariableException(
                'context missing or empty'

        val = context

            for part in self._path.split(pathDelimiter):
                val = getattr(val, part) if hasattr(val, part) else val[part]

        except KeyError:
            raise MissingVariableException(
                'no value supplied for {}'.format(self._path)

        return val

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'SubstituteVal(%s)' % self._path

# Grammar definition
pathDelimiter = '.'
identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
propertyPath = delimitedList(identifier, pathDelimiter, combine=True)

and_ = Keyword("and", caseless=True)
or_ = Keyword("or", caseless=True)
in_ = Keyword("in", caseless=True)

lparen = Suppress('(')
rparen = Suppress(')')

binaryOp = oneOf(
    "= == != < > >= <= eq ne lt le gt ge in notin is isnot "
    "≠ ≤ ≥ ∈ ∉ ⊆ ⊇ ∩", caseless=True

E = CaselessLiteral("E")
numberSign = Word("+-", exact=1)
realNumber = Combine(
    Optional(numberSign) + (
        Word(nums) + "." + Optional(Word(nums))
        | ("." + Word(nums))
    ) + Optional(E + Optional(numberSign) + Word(nums))

integer = Combine(
    Optional(numberSign) + Word(nums) + Optional(
        E + Optional("+") + Word(nums)

str_ = quotedString.addParseAction(removeQuotes)
bool_ = oneOf('true false', caseless=True)
none_ = CaselessLiteral('none')

simpleVals = (
    realNumber.setParseAction(lambda toks: float(toks[0]))
    | integer.setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0]))
    | str_
    | bool_.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0] == 'true')
    | none_.setParseAction(lambda toks: [None])  # see pyparsing bug 63
    | propertyPath.setParseAction(lambda toks: SubstituteVal(toks))
)  # need to add support for alg expressions

propertyVal = (
    | (lparen + Group(delimitedList(simpleVals)) + rparen)

boolExpression = Forward()
boolCondition = Group(
    (Group(propertyVal)('lval') + binaryOp + Group(propertyVal)('rval'))
    | (lparen + boolExpression + rparen)
boolExpression << boolCondition + ZeroOrMore((and_ | or_) + boolExpression)

[docs]class BoolRule(object): """ Represents a boolean expression and provides a `test` method to evaluate the expression and determine its truthiness. :param query: A string containing the query to be evaluated :param lazy: If ``True``, parse the query the first time it's tested rather than immediately. This can help with performance if you instantiate a lot of rules and only end up evaluating a small handful. """ _compiled = False _tokens = None _query = None def __init__(self, query, lazy=False): self._query = query if not lazy: self._compile()
[docs] def test(self, context=None): """ Test the expression against the given context and return the result. :param context: A dict context to evaluate the expression against. :return: True if the expression succesfully evaluated against the context, or False otherwise. """ if self._is_match_all(): return True self._compile() return self._test_tokens(self._tokens, context)
def _is_match_all(self): return True if self._query == '*' else False def _compile(self): if not self._compiled: # special case match-all query if self._is_match_all(): return self._tokens = boolExpression.parseString(self._query, True) self._compiled = True def _expand_val(self, val, context): if type(val) == list: val = [self._expand_val(v, context) for v in val] if isinstance(val, SubstituteVal): ret = val.get_val(context) return ret if isinstance(val, ParseResults): return [self._expand_val(x, context) for x in val.asList()] return val def _test_tokens(self, tokens, context): passed = False for token in tokens: if not isinstance(token, ParseResults): if token == 'or' and passed: return True elif token == 'and' and not passed: return False continue if not token.getName(): return self._test_tokens(token, context) items = token.asDict() operator = items['operator'] lval = self._expand_val(items['lval'][0], context) rval = self._expand_val(items['rval'][0], context) if operator in ('=', '==', 'eq'): passed = lval == rval elif operator in ('!=', 'ne', '≠'): passed = lval != rval elif operator in ('>', 'gt'): passed = lval > rval elif operator in ('>=', 'ge', '≥'): passed = lval >= rval elif operator in ('<', 'lt'): passed = lval < rval elif operator in ('<=', 'le', '≤'): passed = lval <= rval elif operator in ('in', '∈'): passed = lval in rval elif operator in ('notin', '∉'): passed = lval not in rval elif operator == 'is': passed = lval is rval elif operator == 'isnot': passed = lval is not rval elif operator == '⊆': passed = all((False for x in lval if x not in rval)) elif operator == '⊇': passed = all((False for x in rval if x not in lval)) elif operator == '∩': passed = any((True for x in lval if x in rval)) else: raise UnknownOperatorException( "Unknown operator '{}'".format(operator) ) return passed
[docs]class MissingVariableException(Exception): """ Raised when an expression contains a property path that's not supplied in the context. """ pass
[docs]class UnknownOperatorException(Exception): """ Raised when an expression uses an unknown operator. This should never be thrown since the operator won't be correctly parsed as a token by pyparsing, but it's useful to have this hanging around for when additional operators are being added. """ pass