
The entirety of boolrule’s functionality is encapsulated in the BoolRule class.

Getting started

The simplest use case is evaluating simple, self-contained expressions:

from boolrule import BoolRule

expression = '5 > 10'
rule = BoolRule(expression)
rule.test()  # False

However, the real power of boolrule comes when the expression makes use of values from the context dict passed to the test() method:

from boolrule import BoolRule

expression = 'content.is_published = true and user.level in content.allowed_levels'
rule = BoolRule(expression)

context = {
    'user': {
        'level': 'super',
    'content': {
        "is_published": True,
        'allowed_levels': [

if rule.test(context):
    # Let the user see the content

Lazy compilation

By default the expression is compiled when you create a new BoolRule object. If you’re instantiating a lot of BoolRule instances but are only likely to call test on a few of them (because you’re looking for just the first match, for example) then you can use the optional lazy` argument in the call to BoolRule` to defer compilation until the first call to test():

rules = [
    BoolRule(expression, lazy=True)
    for expression in expressions

if any(r in rules.test(context)):
    # Do a thing