Writing boolean expressions

The grammar supported by boolrule is fairly simple but powerful.


Except within string literals, all whitespace is ignored.


Numeric literls are written as bare numbers. Floating point and exponent-based numbers are supported:

10       # int
-10      # int with optional sign
10.5     # float (without optional sign)
10.5E-3  # equivalent to 0.0105

String literls can be single or double quoted:

"Hello, world"
'boolrule rulez"

Boolean literals are the bare values true and false

None type is the bare value none

Property paths

In order to reference values from the context passed into the test() method you specify the path to the property as a dot-separated identifier:


At evaluation time, these will map to either object attributes or dict keys in that order.

Basic comparison operators

Operator Description Example
=, ==, eq Equality foo == 5
!=, !==, ne, Inequality bar != 5
>, gt Greater than foo > 5
>=, ge, Greater than or equal to foo >= 5
<, lt Less than foo < 5
<=, le, Less than or equal to foo <= 5
is Identity foo is True
isnot Inverse identity foobar isnot True

Logical operators

Operator Description Example
and Logical and foo == 5 and bar < 10
or Logical or bar == 5 or bar < 10

Set operators

Operator Description Example
in, Is a member of foo in ("a","b","c")
notin, Is not a member of foo notin ("a","b")
Is a subset of ("a", "b") ("a", "b", "c")
Is a superset of ("a", "b", "c") ("a", "b")
Intersects ("a", "b") ("a", "b", "c")
not∩ Does not intersect ("a", "b") not∩ ("c", "d")

Nested expressions

You can use parentheses to next expressions:

foo > 5 and (10 < bar or bar > 20)